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School Policies

 Relationships and Sex Health Education Policy.pdfDownload
 Religious Education Policy - January 2022.pdfDownload
 Safeguarding Policy 2024 (Oct).pdfDownload
 Safeguarding Policy Appendices - July 2024.pdfDownload
 Spirituality Policy final.pdfDownload
 St Luke's Accessibility Plan 2023.pdfDownload
 St Luke's CE Health and Well being of pupils policy September 2021.pdfDownload
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How to appeal for a place at St. Luke's CE Primary School

If you have applied and been refused a place at our school (in any year group), you are entitled to appeal against that decision.

Appeals for PDET academies are administered by The Diocese of Peterborough Education team. For more information on the process please see:

If you wish to appeal please contact the Appeals Administrator by emailing and ask for an appeals pack.

The pack includes some explanatory notes about the process of Admission Appeals and a Notice of Appeal form that, should you decide to proceed with an appeal, will need to be completed and returned by email if possible, but if not, to the Diocesan Office instead.


School Admissions Appeals Timetable:


Following the National Offer Day on 17 April 2023, the deadline for lodging an on-time appeal is 22 May 2023 (5pm).

The Appeal Clerk will send notification of the Hearing (date and time) to the appellants, during the week commencing 5 June 2023 and proposed appeal hearing dates are between 10-14 July 2023.

Spring/Summer 2023 appeals will take place either on Zoom or in-person at the diocesan offices in Northampton and Peterborough.

Decision letters will be sent within 5 working days of the appeal hearing, subject to any unforeseen circumstances.