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Our Curriculum

At St Luke’s, we have designed a curriculum that provides every child in our school with opportunities to learn, flourish and embrace experiences.


We aim to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of all our children through:

·       Providing engaging, supportive and safe learning environments where children are motivated to learn

·       Providing an education that is inclusive to all and that meets the needs of all children

·       Delivering a curriculum that is carefully sequenced to ensure that prior learning is built upon and knowledge can be applied           across a variety of different contexts

·       Providing experiences that encourage children to have high aspirations for their future lives

·       Celebrating the diverse backgrounds of our school community through learning, growing and working together

·       Facilitating opportunities and experiences for the children to experience the world around them first hand

·       Providing opportunities and experiences to support personal development. This includes support with mental health and              wellbeing and leadership roles (School Council, Eco Team, House Captains)


Whole School Documents

Curriculum Intent Statement 

St. Luke's Curriculum Statement 

 *** If you require further information about the curriculum please contact Miss Katie Marks via the school office email address ***



Phonics     Phonics       Phonics 1

At St Luke’s CE Primary School we follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, your child will bring home a reading book that is carefully matched to their phonic ability. They will also read this book during focussed reading sessions at school. 

 To find out more about the scheme please click this link.


English   English    English 2

English Overview


Maths         Maths Yr 6     Maths Outside

Maths Overview 2023 - 24

St. Luke's Times Table Policy

Maths Supporting Documents


Key Mathematical Facts Workshop 2023

Mental Strategies Progression Document 2023

Parent Guide - Supporting Times Tables at home

TT rock star help sheet for parents



Art     Art     Art 2

Art Overview


Computing     Computing     Computing 2

 Computing Overview

Online Safety Overview


DT     DT     DT Y6

 DT Overview


Geography     Geography     Geography Yr3

Geography Overview


History     History     History 2

 History Overview


Modern Foreign Language/Spanish     Spanish 1

 MFL Overview


Music     Music     Music Y1C

 Music Overview


PE     PE 1     PE 2

PE Overview


PSHE     PSHE      PSHE 2

 PSHE Overview


RE     RE     RE Yr4

 RE Overview


Science     Science     Science 1

Science Overview




OFSTED Sept 2019

"The school provides a good quality of education. Leaders' ambition is for all pupils to achieve their best in a nurturing environment. On a day-to-day basis, teachers adapt their lesson plans so that pupils gain good knowledge and understanding in most subjects."